First Name*
Last Name*
Zip/Postal Code* -
Home Phone*
Work Phone x
Cell Phone*
What is the Name of the Animal you are applying for: Choose an animal: Aladdin - Disney Litter Aliyah Archer - coming soon! Ariel - Disney Litter Bailey Bandit BELLA Belle - Disney Litter BLUE COMING SOON! Breezeway Bright Eyes Carisi - The SVU Crew Clover Colby - Yellowstone Litter Cosmos Daisy Daisy Deputy Doodle Bug Dopey - The Dwarf Litter Eden - coming soon Felicity Flounder -The Fondy Fish Litter GiGi - coming soon! Grace Grace Gracey Happy - Dwarf Litter Hazel - Orange Litter Iyra Jasmine - Disney Litter Jasper - Orange Litter Jimmy - Yellowstone Litter John Smith - Disney Litter Junie Larry Lizzie Lloyd - Yellowstone Litter Luigi Luna - Coming Soon Macey Mae Maple - Orange Litter Mari - Mom of the Chocolate Litter Mario MAY Mazy Nala Odin Pumbaa ROWDY - COMING SOON! Ruby Sage - orange litter Sienna - Orange litter Squiggy Tadpole - The Fondy Fish Litter Tia - the Hwy. 151 litter Timone willow Zazu
What is your Date of Birth*
Name of your spouse / significant other living in the home?*
What is the Spouse/ Significant Other Date of Birth?*
Do you own or rent? * Choose one: Rent Own
If you rent, what is your landlord name and phone number?
How long have you lived at this address?*
Do you intend to move soon?
If less than 2 years, what is the previous address ? If NA type NA
What is the name and address of your employer*
How long have you worked for this employer?*
What is the employer of your spouse / significant other?*
How long has your Spouse / Significant Other been at this employer ?*
List the Names and Date of Birth of other human members of the household*
Are all members of the household "on board" with and excited about adopting a pet?*
Does anyone in your household have allergies or asthma?*
If Yes, Explain:
Why do you want a dog?*
If not, Explain :
How long will your pet be left alone without human companionship each day?*
Are you willing to be patient and take time to allow your pet to adjust to you and your home?*
If No, Explain:
Are you Financially Able to provide annual and routine pet care (exams / vaccinations)?*
Are you able to make a LONG TERM commitment to care for a pet?* Choose one: Yes No
Will the animal have access to all parts of the home? Choose one: Yes No
If No, Explain
Do you have a yard? Choose all that apply: No Yard Unfenced Yard Yard Partially Fenced Yard Completely Fenced
What type of fence Choose one: Privacy Chain Link Invisible
What is the height of the fence
Will you take your dog for daily walks?* Choose one: Yes No
Do you intend to leave your dog outside for any extended periods of time?* Choose one: Yes No
Do you want your dog to have puppies?
Are you willing to spend time and potentially money to make sure your dog is adequately trained?* Choose one: Yes No
List your present and /or previous veterinarian(s) used. Include Phone Numbers and addresses. Please advise your veterinarian(s) that we will be calling - if they are aware, it will speed up the approval process. If none, write "NONE"*
List All Pets Currently living in your home: Include Pets Name, type (, etc), breed (dog), sex, state if spayed/neutered, inside/outside, age. If none, write "NONE"*
List all pets you have owned in the past five years that no longer live with you. Include pets name, type, sex, age, spayed/neutered, kept inside/outside/both, and what became of that pet. If none, write "NONE":*
Have you ever given up a pet? If yes, please explain*
Please provides the Name, Phone Number, Email and relationship to you of at least 2 people. Do not use relatives. Excellent references are people who know both you and your pets. We will call the references as part of the approval process. *
How Did you Hear About Paws Up Pet Rescue?* Choose one: Online Newspaper Ad Previous Adopter Word of Mouth Friend
By choosing "yes" below, I certify that the information I have given is true and that I recognize that any misrepresentations of facts may result in my losing my privilege to adopt a pet. I understand that Paws Up Pet Rescue has the right to deny my request to adopt an animal, and I understand that I authorize investigation of all statements in this application, including veterinary records. I certify my understanding of these things.